VI School of Young Scientists
"Advanced High Entropy Materials"
October 2-3, 2024
Belgorod State National Research University
State Marine Technical University
Dear Colleagues!
We invite you to participate in the work of the School of Young Scientists
The participation of young scientists and specialists is especially welcomed.
The school will be supported under Russian Science Foundation grant No. 19-79-30066 "Advanced alloys and technologies for the aerospace industry". Additional support through “Priority 2030” program of Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University (project: Industrial Digital Technologies) is gracefully acknowledged.
G.A. Turichin, Dr. Sci.,
rector of Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University,
Head of Institute of Laser and Welding Technologies,
Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
G.A. Salishchev, Professor, Dr. Sci.,
Head of Bulk Nanostructured Materials Lab,
Professor of the Department of Materials Science and Nanotechnology,
Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia